
“Hamlin is a centre of excellence in its holistic and patient-centred care. It is a well-structured, ever-growing institution that grabs the interest of whoever wants to grow further.”

– Dr Biniyam Sirak, Medical Director and Surgeon, Hamlin’s Yirgalem Fistula Hospital 

Setting the Global Standard

Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia is internationally renowned for being at the forefront of treatment, prevention and care for women with obstetric fistula and other childbirth injuries. 

For decades, Drs Reg and Catherine Hamlin spearheaded the development of best-practice techniques and care across Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia’s program areas, constantly striving to both lead and deliver the latest research and innovations in the international medical community. 

This ethos is instilled at Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia today. Research is a crucial aspect of our organisation, paving the way for new evidence-based practices and developments. 

Recently our team set up a research unit and recruited a Head of Research, Mr Yohannes Sitotaw, at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital to systemise and promote research activities at Hamlin. 

Over the past year, the research unit has produced research and publication guidelines, developed a research proposal and report writing manual, conducted research ethics training with staff to help establish an Institutional Review Board, as well as developing the following research thematic areas;

  • Obstetric Fistula and Other Birth Injury Care
  • Maternal Health
  • Child and New-born Health
  • Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Family Planning 

Research activity at Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia will continue to be a top priority. There are currently six research project proposals that have been initiated and are underway, with more in the pipeline. 

Recently Published Research Papers

Below is a list of recently published works involving Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia clinical staff members: