In recognition of the selfless efforts and world class services of the founders of the Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, the late Dr. Taffara Deguefe, first appointed Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia, had an expressed intention to give to the hospital his only family residence in Addis Ababa. His only surviving children, Belaineh Taffara Deguefe and Taitu Taffara Deguefe, both Canadian citizens, have transferred their inherited house to Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia.
Dr. Tesfay Yacob, HFE CEO, expressed his appreciation for the late Dr. Taffara and thanked his surviving children for their initiation and effort to transfer the residence to Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia. “Dr. Taffara passed away before he could formally proceed with his intention to transfer the property to the Hospital, but his children, Belaineh and Taitu, have supported their father’s intention and transferred the property to Hamlin. I truly thank them on behalf of Dr. Catherine Hamlin and her late husband, Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia’s staff, and all our fistula survivors,” he added.
Dr. Taffara Deguefe passed away in Vancouver, Canada, in 2015.