Day: 4 April 2019

Amarit Community Celebrates the Construction of Modern Maternity Waiting Area

Maternity waiting area improves access to care for labor and complications of pregnancy, and  building maternity waiting area is, therefore, a strategy designed for inaccessible areas to facilitate the timely movement from home to health facility by diminishing barriers that inhibit access to care such as distance, geography, time of day, infrastructure, transport,  and communication […]...

April 4th, 2019 Read More

No More Water Shortage

Water problems also affect hospitals, and mitigating the situation is crucially important.  Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia has recently installed additional water reservoir, with a carrying capacity of 110, 000 liters, in the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital to reduce the shortage and interruption of water in the facility. “The  reservoir  is large enough to significantly boost the […]...

April 4th, 2019 Read More