First Annual Meeting of the Hamlin Midwives Alumni Network


Hamlin Midwives Alumni Network (HMAN) held its first annual meeting on July 22 and 23, 2019 at the  Ethiopian  Red  Cross Society Training Center, Addis Ababa. The Meeting was attended by more than 30 Hamlin graduated  midwives, representatives of GreenLamp, members of the Hamlin College of Midwives, Senior Management Team members of Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, representatives from the Ethiopian Midwifery Association and other invited guests.

In his opening remark, Ato Zelalem Belete, Dean of the Hamlin College of Midwives, said, “I believe this Alumni Network keeps you in a single chain and update your professionalism through experience sharing, trainings and use of technologies in the area. It is also a place where you present professional challenges you are facing on your respective sites and find solutions to solve them.”

Ato Tesfaye Mamo, HFE’s CEO, on his part, said, “As we continue to bring excellence in midwifery training and service across the nation, I assure you that this network plays a vital role. I thank GreenLamp for taking the leading role in launching the Hamlin Midwives Alumni Network and holding this first annual meeting. ”


The two-day interactive meeting consisted of presentations on various midwifery topics and trainings on solar suitcase, fetal Doppler and the use of Safe Delivery App, among others.

The Hamlin Midwives Alumni Network (HMAN) was collaboratively launched by the Hamlin College of Midwives and GreenLamp on July 28, 2018 in Addis Ababa, with the aim of connecting all Hamlin graduated midwives and maximizing their impact over the maternal healthcare services in Ethiopia.


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