Hamlin Injects 20 Exceptionally Skilled Midwives to Ethiopia’s Maternal Health Care Service

The Hamlin College of Midwives graduated 20 female candidates with BSc Degree in Midwifery on Saturday, the 8th of October, at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital’s compound.  Families, friends, staff, Board of Trustees, and representatives from partner organizations, embassies and the government, as well as honored guests from overseas attended the ceremony and celebrated the graduates’ accomplishments as they completed a significant step in midwifery education.


Dean of the College and Prevention Manager, Ato Zelalem Belete, along with Hamlin’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Tesfaye Yacob, presided over the College’s sixth -graduation ceremony.  “This is a tremendous milestone that you have reached,” Ato Zelalem said, while congratulating the graduates for their successful achievements.  “One thing that you have gotten here at Hamlin College of Midwives –in addition to your subject matter-is serving your community to the best you can. That requires compassion, dedication, commitment and belongingness. I’m glad that you’ve all this,” he noted. “These 20 graduates will raise the total number of skilled female midwives to 105, trained and deployed by the College since 2007,” he further noted.

Chief Executive Officer of the Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, Dr. Tesfaye Yacob, also spoke at the ceremony.  “We are extremely proud of what our students have accomplished as a result of study at our College. Congratulations for you’ve officially joined today the oldest profession in human history. Through your respected practices, you are contributing to the final task of eliminating Obstetric Fistula and transforming the services of HFE towards Comprehensive Maternal Health Service Unit.”

“I’m here to celebrate success and new beginnings of my 6th batch graduates. Congratulations my children! Through your hard work and determination, you find yourself here today at your College graduation surrounded by friends, family members and staff . When making your way through life, never forget your College and your instructors, who bestowed this knowledge upon you,” Dr. Catherine Hamlin, co-founder of the Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, addressed the graduates.

Honorable guest of the day and member of HFE Board of Trustees, W/ro Mulu Solomon  awarded the graduates with degrees and congratulated them for their achievements. “On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to congratulate Hamlin’s 6th graduating class. We are right to be proud of you, and of such a College. You’ve learned to live uprightly, to think more rationally and effectively, and to find solutions. This has been part of your four-year- education at the College. Be loyal to yourself, your profession and your community, and do it from your heart. Our poor mothers and young girls in remote areas are very much in need of you,” she said.

Student Representative, Hanna Tesfaye, also made a speech during the ceremony. “What an incredible honor and privilege it is for me to stand here before you all today representing the graduating class of 2016. Congratulations to everyone of you! You should be very proud of yourselves accomplishing this goal. This is a time to reflect upon the 4-year journey that we have just finished, which has been the most rewarding experience of our lives as we now start our journeys as the custodians of our nation’s young girls and women.” Graduate Malefiya Mamo, winner of the 2016 Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, said that she had received all the theoretical knowledge and practical skills during her four-year- learning at the College. “The sky’s is the limit! I’m here after four years of hard work, commitment and determination. I thank you all, and am ready for the next step, serving my community.”

The College is planning to launch Masters Program in Midwifery as of 2017, noted Ato Zelalem during the graduation.

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