HFE Hosts FIGO Meeting

Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia (HFE) hosted a two-day-interactive meeting, organized by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), at the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital, from September 2-3, 2017. The meeting, attended by more than 30 participants from all over the world, aims to prepare experienced fistula surgeons in their role as FIGO Accredited Trainers, and to assist them to train and coach FIGO Fellows using the FIGO and Partners Standardized Global Competency-Based Fistula Surgery Training Manual.


In his opening remark, Dr. Tesfaye Yacob, HFE CEO, indicated that Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia is one of the prominent training centers of FIGO, adding that HFE and FIGO should cherish and harness their partnership.

Representing the Federal Ministry of Health, Ato Sintayehu Abebe, welcomed the trainees and thanked HFE and FIGO for their contributions in improving the maternal health services of the country. He added, “Ethiopia has been implementing a five-year-strategic plan to end obstetric fistula and has so far secured remarkable achievements.”

Dr. Fekade Ayenachew, Medical Director of HFE, stressed his organization’s commitment to work through the existing networks of obstetricians and gynecologists to promote an understanding of fistula globally.  He also highlighted the need for such training in order to ensure the highest quality of fistula surgeries.

In his welcoming speech, FIGO’s Chief Executive, Mr. Johan Vos, thanked member societies for their commitments, adding that the two-day-interactive meeting is part of FIGO’s Fistula Surgery Training Initiative.  He also appreciated HFE’s efforts to end obstetric fistula altogether from Ethiopia. “The Hamlin Center is like an oasis in the middle of the desert,” he said.


The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) is a non-profit organization that brings together obstetrical and gynecological associations from 125 countries worldwide. It is dedicated to the improvement of women’s health and rights and to the reduction of disparities in healthcare available to women and newborns, as well as to advancing the science and practice of obstetrics and gynecology. Based in London, the organization hosts a triennial World Congress that draws more than 7,000 women’s health scientists, clinicians, and other allied health professionals to present the latest science and best clinical practice in obstetrics and gynecology.

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