ቀን፥ መጋቢት 19, 2020

ፕሬስ ሪሊዝ

መጋቢት 10፣2012 ዓ.ም. የሐምሊን ፊስቱላ ኢትዮጵያ መስራች ዶ/ር ካትሪን ሐምሊን በ96 ዓመታቸው አረፉ የሐምሊን ፊስቱላ ኢትዮጵያ መስራች የሆኑት ዶ/ር ካትሪን ሐምሊን ትላንት ሌሊት ረቡዕ መጋቢት 9 ቀን በ 96 ዓመታቸው አረፉ፡፡ ዶ/ር ካትሪን  በአዲስ አበባ ፊስቱላ ሆስፒታል ግቢ ውስጥ በሚገኘው መኖሪያ ቤታቸው እና በሆስፒታሎች አስፈላጊውን ህክምና ሲከታተሉ እንደነበሩም ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡ በ1951 ዓ.ም ልዕልት ፀሐይ መታሰቢያ […]...

መጋቢት 19th, 2020 Read More


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: The world is mourning the death of renowned obstetrician and gynaecologist, Dr Catherine Hamlin AC who died at her home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Wednesday March 18th. She was 96 years old.  Pioneering Australian surgeon, Dr Catherine Hamlin AC, together with her late husband Dr Reginald Hamlin OBE, co-founded Hamlin Fistula […]...

መጋቢት 19th, 2020 Read More

Official Obituary from Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia : Dr Catherine Hamlin 1924 – 2020

The world is mourning the death of Australia’s most renowned obstetrician and gynaecologist, Dr Catherine Hamlin AC, who died, age 96 at her home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Wednesday March 18th, 2020. Catherine, together with her late husband Dr Reginald Hamlin OBE, co-founded Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, a healthcare network treating women who suffer from […]...

መጋቢት 19th, 2020 Read More